Apollo and Daphne Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1622–24; Galleria Borghese, Rome) Apollo and Daphne is a sculpture by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. It was commissioned by Cardinal Scipione Borghese at the beginning of Bernini's career. The statue depicts Phoebus (Apollo), pursuing Daphne, the daughter of Peneus, who denied the love of men. This statue is captivating, the flowing movement of their bodies, the curves and features of their lithe movements, the details of their bodies and their curves adding to the passion of the pursuit. It makes me feel like I glimpsed a moment in ancient history of the gods. I wish the statue had color to it, but the solid white makes it seem like a ghost of a memory of times past. The energy, movement, the flowing diagonal movements of their bodies, the intensity and the feeling that you're glimpsing a moment in time are all indicators of the Baroque art style. (Harris and Zucker) Bernini was greatly...